We offer a flexible approach for any size of business either working on or off site or using a mixture of both.
We can tailor the work for your business giving a personal service and continuing advice once the work has finished.
Food Quality Consulting offer advice, audits and training on food safety systems such as the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety.
Food Quality Consulting offer implementation assistance for the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety. We can do a gap analysis and identify the requirements for implementation.
Food Quality Consulting can carry out internal audits such as BRC food safety, hygiene and HACCP. We can also assist with supplier auditing and the development of a supplier approval system.
Food Quality Consulting can train your staff in the requirements of the BRC Food Safety Standard either so they can implement it themselves or so that we can manage this process for you. We can train you in areas of the standard such as root cause analysis for corrective action.
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points is a legal requirement of all food businesses. We can assist you with implementation, auditing and training.
A legal requirement and a requirement of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety. As stated in the Standard “In the event of the company not having appropriate in house knowledge external expertise may be used.” Food Quality Consulting can assist you in implementing a full food safety plan.
There is a requirement to demonstrate conformance with the HACCP plan and also to gather information on the effectiveness of the implemented HACCP plan.
Need a fresh pair eyes to review your verification systems? It may be you do not have someone suitably independent to do this. Food Quality Consulting can assist you with this.
All the HACCP team members need to be trained. It may be you have had staff changes or that refresher training is required. Food Quality Consulting can tailor a course for your specific requirements and pass on any knowledge acquired during the implementation process. Food Quality Consulting can train your staff from shop floor to boardroom in HACCP principles to ensure your HACCP team and other personnel can effectively operate the system.
Food Quality Consulting can carry out food hygiene training either on or off site as required and is approved by HABC, Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance. The HABC Food Safety qualifications are intended for anyone working in catering, hospitality or manufacturing settings where food is prepared, cooked, served or produced. Typical environments may include pubs, hotels, restaurants, retail, factories, contract catering, fast-food outlets, hospitals, care and nursing homes, schools, prisons and the armed forces.
Arange a free consultation with Karen to discuss your requirements and find out more: